Thursday, May 5, 2011

April 2011
Hello Donors, Mentors & Friends!

Last Saturday, JOYA wrapped up what turned out to be an amazing month for us and our students. 1. The student who inspired our mentoring program decided whichuniversity she’ll be attending this fall. 2. Three of our sophomores spent their spring break on a Northern California college tour. 3. And thanks to the generous donations of our 100 Campaign Donors, we received over $14,000 in contributions to our program. Our thanks to each of you for your belief in our mission and your support of the students from the Garnet neighborhood. Enjoy the highlights below!

The First to Attend a 4-Year University
by: Emily Cross / Mentor Coordinator


This April was an especially significant month for senior Valeria Sosa, who will be the first student from the Garnet Neighborhood to go straight from high school to a 4-year university in at least 10 years.

After receiving her letters of acceptance from UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and Chapman University, Valeria has spent the month considering the various opportunities that each of these schools have to offer and trying to determine which school would be the best match for her personality and her goals. In order to aid her decision-making process, Valeria’s mentor Bethany took her to visit UC San Diego and JOYA staff accompanied her on a trip to Chapman University.

After touring both campuses and weighing the pros and cons of each with the JOYA team, Valeria has decided to be a student at Chapman University! We are so proud of Valeria for this tremendous achievement and are truly glad that we could be a part of this significant time in her life! We look forward to seeing the great things she accomplishes as she studies at Chapman and pursues her dream of studying law and becoming a District Attorney.

Sophomores Learn What To Look For
by: Bianca Peña / Program Director

XochitlAideeLeslieDT 2

While most students enjoyed their spring break relaxing at home, three of our high school sophomores spent the week touring UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley, Santa Clara University and Stanford University!

One of the most meaningful outcomes of the college tour for our girls was the chance they had to learn firsthand what is important to them in a university.
After the tour, Leslie, who wants to study medicine, said she sees herself most at Stanford. She prefers Stanford’s small student population and its emphasis on a rigorous education. Xochitl, who wants to be a pediatrician one day, said she sees herself attending UC Davis because of the university’s value for the environment and the campus’ bike-riding culture.Aidee, who plans to pursue fashion design, said she sees herself as a student at UC Santa Barbara because “it’s not too big or too small” and because she met friendly professors and students there.

As Xochitl, Leslie and Aidee move into their junior and senior years in high school, we look forward to the ways their realizations this past spring break will motivate them as they prepare for college success.



Our 100 Campaign concluded last Saturday, April 30th, with a reception at PÄS Gallery in downtown Fullerton.

We had a great time celebrating, eating, hearing Valeria (our 1st graduating senior to go to a four-year university) share her story, watching people compete in our silent auction and experiencing the drama of the drawing for the iPad2.

We achieved our goal of having over 100 donors participate in the campaign, resulting in raising over $14,000!

Final Note
If you'd like to learn more about getting involved with JOYA Scholars please contact Bianca, our Program Director, at or 714.322.JOYA. Thank you!

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