Monday, January 31, 2011

Investing in Our Students

As we begin our second half of the school year, students will complete college applications and apply for financial aid, visit the campuses of UCLA, USC, and UCI, attend college-prep workshops, and meet with their mentors for encouragement, guidance, and accountability.

However, 2011 does bring with it its own challenges. We will see some of our pledge commitments winding down. And due to the current economic climate, we hope to expand our still small donor base. All of this when our dreams have never been higher for the program:

  • Academic Tutoring: We desire to provide assistance for our best students as well as those needing additional support. This is an immediate need right now for many of the kids.
  • Expanded Services: We are considering expanding some of our workshops to all students in the Garnet community as well as similar neighborhoods throughout Fullerton so that JOYA can reach more under-served students with the information they need to prepare for college.
  • JOYA Learning Center: Next school year, we would like to secure our own working space in the neighborhood, open throughout the week for homework help, tutoring, meetings, and drop-in assistance. Our current arrangement limits us to one day per week. Our own learning center would provide greater access for students to computers and staff and be an educational focus for the neighborhood.

You can be part of all the good that is happening! This is where JOYA needs your help in moving forward:

  • BECOME A MONHTLY DONOR: One tax change recently signed by President Obama as part of the stimulus plan reduces employee Social Security Tax by 2% for 2011. This means a person earning $50,000 would have $1,000 additional income for the year. Would you consider contributing a portion of that additional income to JOYA?

We’ve now made it even easier to become a monthly donor through PayPal’s automatic donations (user account not required). Just go to our website ( set the dollar amount and time period for your donation and let PayPal do the rest. A fast, easy, secure way to support JOYA throughout the year!

  • MATCHING GIFT PROGRAMS: Companies may now be adding or modifying existing programs to provide a way for employees to support worthy causes in these economic times. JOYA recently received monetary gifts and a brand new laptop through such offers. Please consider inquiring with your company to see if they may have similar matching gift programs which can multiply your donation to JOYA.
  • PERSONAL NETWORKS: Consider connecting with family and friends who may have interest in supporting an educational organization like JOYA, financially or in some other way. Friends trust other friends when it comes to supporting organizations. Please consider spreading the word!

The needs are great in the Garnet neighborhood. 70% of Latino students from the Placentia/Yorba Linda School District do not graduate from high school. These are our kids. But you can make a difference in their lives. And in doing so, they may make a difference in yours. Please consider helping JOYA Scholars meet its financial goals for 2011. Thank you for making it possible for our students to pursue their dreams!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thanks to Recent Supporters!

Joya Scholars would like to thank the following people and organizations for their generous support!

  • Neal Higa and HP Gift-In-Kind for a brand new laptop! The students and mentors are using it for weekly check-ins with grades and for their college research projects.
  • Buffalo Exchange Fullerton for a check of $87. That might not seem like much, but at 5cents a token, that's 1,740 patrons who between June-Dec 2010 chose to forgo a bag for purchases and donated instead to a charity of their choice...JOYA Scholars! Thank you Buffalo Exchange and your thrift and style conscious customers.
  • Clara Chung for donating her latest video download proceeds to JOYA! Thank you Clara for your constant support of our students and program. Our girls were thrilled to meet you!