Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Support JOYA

Buffalo Exchange in Fullerton is featuring JOYA in their Token for Bags Program!

What can you do?

If you are planning on going to Buffalo Exchange and make a purchase, instead of getting a bag you can donate a token to one of three charities, and JOYA will be featured from June to December 2010! Each token is worth 5 cents and will be donated to JOYA =)

For those of you who do not know what Buffalo Exchange is, it is a store where people can buy and sell clothing and accessories for a fair price for the current season. It is almost like a higher quality thrift store with both new and used clothing.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Benefit Dinner

We are having our annual Spring Benefit Dinner on May 2, 2010!

Thank you to those who have RSVPd and/or sponsored a table for the Benefit Dinner. We greatly appreciate your support for JOYA Scholars and our mission. We are looking to complete table sponsorships right away, so if you or your business would like to sponsor a table, please contact us ASAP!

Join us for food and fun. Dinner will be catered by award winning Country Garden Caterers. There will also be music, stories from our students and mentors and a live auction. Things to be auctioned off include gift certificates to spas, AMC, Rialto Cafe, hair salons, iPod nanos and shuffles and much more!

JOYA's goal is raise $25,000 for this 2010-2011 year in order to continue the quality of experience that our students and their families are receiving. Additionally through this goal, we have the great opportunity to reach out and expand our level of resources and services to the community.

If you would like additional information regarding the Spring Benefit Dinner, contact Bianca Pena (Program Director) via email at biancapena@joyascholars.org, or phone at 714)322-JOYA (5692).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

USC College Visit

We took a trip to USC's campus on Saturday March 27, 2010. Special thanks to out tour guide Jake! We appreciate the time you took out to give us a tour. These are some highlights from USC. The students took time to fill out response cards after the visit. Here are some answers given when asked the following question:

What did you like about USC? Be specific.

"About USC: I liked how the school is involved with the community and the events they have."
- Briana Toscano/12th grade

"I like the music program and that the instructor did a melody."

- Jose Jimenez/8th grade

"I liked that it is quite very calm but still a lot of activities going on."
- Valeria Sosa/11th grade

What did you learn today? Be Specific.

"I learned some of the requirements needed to attend USC."

- Gerardo Perez/8th grade

"That many students use their bikes on campus."
- Jeanette Gonzalez/12th grade

"What I learned today was that it's important to visit colleges to see which one you want to go to."
- Xochitl Mendez/9th grade

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We have a blog!!!

Welcome to JOYA's blog! Entries coming soon...